The Digestive Endoscopy Unit is composed of 7 suites and carries out an average 60 procedures per day divided as follows:
- 1 for Echoendoscopies (6/day)
- 2 for Gastroscopies (20/day)
- 2 for Colonscopies (20/day)
- 1 for ERCP’s (8/day)
- 1 for Broncoscopies and Hysteroscopies (8/day)
The EETC is the first structure in Europe to be exclusively dedicated to training in Digestive Endoscopy and one of the first in the world to have been purposely designed as such.
It has already been recognised as an Official Training Centre by the European Society of Digestive Endoscopy (ESGE) the World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO) and the World Endoscopy Organization (WEO).
The ongoing progress and improvement of modern devices generate new technologies which require a continuous training of the operators who work in the field of Digestive Endoscopy. For this reason there is a constant request for the training and re-qualification of medical and surgical specialists through advanced and highly specialized training Courses.
Since its opening in July 2003, the EETC has organized 159 Courses for endoscopists, for a total of 1880 participants and 15 Courses for Nurses.
The Training Centre’s major goals are to:
- Provide a practical and theoretical training process in advanced endoscopic techniques
- Promote the implementation and diffusion of up-dated guidelines
- Support the knowledge and promotion of modern endoscopic techniques through hands-on training on isolated organs and/or electronic simulators
- Promote reaching diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms of the main endoscopic pathologies on the basis of evidence-based medicine by taking part in live demonstrations carried out by experts and broadcasted from the Endoscopy Unit
- Promote comparison of various techniques and devices
- Promote comparison of different experiences through interactive discussions with experts
- Support mutual exchange and optimisation of digestive endoscopy activities in terms of planning and management, by comparing different methods of organisation of local units
For more comprehensive information on the Rome Training Center and course offerings, please refer to the dedicated website www.eetc.it.
The Policlinico A. Gemelli Endoscopy Unit offers various forms of Advanced Training opportunities focusing on ERCP, EUS, Upper and Lower GI Endotherapy, Enteroscopy and Capsule Endoscopy, including an intensive course of 5 days with a tutor.
From 1987 to 2011, more than two hundred endoscopists have spent monthly to yearly training periods at the Gemelli’s Digestive Endoscopy Unit.
Fellows visiting the Endoscopy Unit for periods of less than one year will be able to:
- Participate to all the clinical, teaching and research activities of the Unit.
- Observe the evaluation and management of all patients referred for ERCP and therapeutic endoscopy examinations as well as upper and lower GI endoscopy procedures.
- Participate to the Courses organized by the Unit at the EETC.
- Participate to the annual Congress “Endo Live Roma” organized by the Unit.
Fellows visiting the Endoscopy Unit for one year or more will also be involved in direct hands-on procedures.
All applicants are kindly requested to fill out the "Advanced Endoscopy Training Form" available on our dedicated website www.eetc.it and send it together with the required documents to the specified email address. No other forms of application will be considered.
Students having completed a BSc or MSc can enroll in a 1 year specializing Master in Digestive Endoscopy.
The Master aims at providing professional skills through class lessons and practical experience. It’s main objectives are:
- Organization of a Digestive Endoscopy Unit
- Interpreting clinical endoscopic cases
- Upper GI Therapeutic Endoscopy
- Lower GI Therapeutic Endoscopy
- Biliary and Pancreatic Therapeutic Endoscopy
- Emergency Patient management
- Post-operative patient management
- Modern Technologies
- Multi-disciplinary approach in Digestive Endoscopy
The Course is open to Surgeons specialized in:
- Gastroenterology
- General surgery
- Emergency or digestive surgery
- Internal Medicine, Hepatology
- Pediatricians or Pediatric Surgeons
There are 6 places available, 4 are for EU nationals and 2 for extra-EU nationals.
For further information kindly connect to the University’s website: www.rm.unicatt.it (under “Postgraduate & Master”).
Over the past 10 years the clinical research’s activity at the Therapeutic Digestive Endoscopy of the Policlinico Gemelli, Catholic University in Rome, directed by Prof. Guido Costamagna, has steadily increased reaching the number of 80 clinical investigations, 12 of which ongoing.
About 70% of the studies are sponsored international multicenter studies, 15% are international non-sponsored and 15% national non-sponsored studies.
The clinical investigation’s team consists of 15 people, the director of the Unit, Prof. Guido Costamagna, 10 senior and junior medical assistants, 3 nurses and 1 study coordinator.
Over the years, the number of investigations on medical devices have steadily increased and currently, they represent the majority of the studies run even though pharmaceutical’s studies continue to play an important role.

Course Director:
Guido Costamagna
Cristiano Spada
Congress Venue:
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Policlinico A. Gemelli
Largo F. Vito, 1
00168 Roma
Congress Organization:
Gruppo SC - Studio Congressi
Via N. Colajanni, 4
00191 Roma (Italy)
Organizing Secretariat:
Gruppo SC - Studio Congressi
Servizi per la Comunicazione
Tel. (+39) 06 32 90 250
Fax (+39) 06 36 30 68 97